Just a reminder, and a re-print from the Kellner’s, from the Law Journal. New deposition rules start October 1, 2006. “The deposition is probably the most useful discovery tool in civil litigation. However, it has always been necessary to strike a balance in its use between open and expansive discovery and appropriate limitations so as to protect witnesses from improper questions. In recent cases, the courts have expressed frustration at being called upon to resolve specious objections and curtail plainly improper obstruction of depositions. In an effort to correct certain abuses in the conduct of depositions, the Uniform Rules for the Trial Courts have been amended to add a new section containing rules for the conduct of depositions in the state courts. This section, Part 221: Uniform Rules for the Conduct of Depositions will take effect on Oct. 1, 2006. These rules augment the CPLR by addressing issues of continuing concern”