The most common causes of attorney malpractice litigation:
1.Poor communication with the client
Always at the base of a professional malpractice lawsuit
2.Statute of Limitations problems
3.Suing a client over the bill.
Often precipitates a malpractice lawsuit
4.Notice of Claim problems
Includes municipal, agency, Court of Claims, private notice requirements, and other condition precedent situations
5.Calendar control problems
Marking off calendar, non-appearance at conferences, defaults, abandonment of motions
6.Failure to supply necessary documents
Affidavit of merits, Admissible evidence affidavit for Summary Judgment, Doctor’s affidavit for threshold cases, affidavit of a reasonable excuse and a meritorious cause of action;
7.Discovery Failures
Preclusion, dismissal for willful, contumacious behavior, failure to get necessary information for use at trial, failure to serve expert responses
8.Conflicts of interest
Matrimonial, commercial situations
9.Escrow and fee violations
Non-refundable fees, holding back escrows, failure to remit
10.Settlements and Stipulations without authority
Attorney’s agreement will bind client even against client’s wishes