A commonly quoted statistic is that 95% of all cases are resolved prior to trial; they are resolved through motions to dismiss, motions for summary judgment and settlements. The few cases that go on to trial generally, they calculate, go 50/50. Here is a highly reported, big $ legal malpractice case which went to trial, and ended in a verdict for defendant. Law.Com reports:
"A Philadelphia jury Wednesday cleared Duane Morris of a claim of legal malpractice for its representation of a former client in settlement negotiations, according to attorneys in the case.
The eight-member jury found the firm did not breach the standard of care or breach any fiduciary duty when its client signed a settlement agreement that provided no security, the attorneys said.
The case was held before Philadelphia Common Pleas Judge Howland W. Abramson in the Commerce Court Program.
The eight-member jury began deliberating at about 3 p.m. on Tuesday for 3 1/2 hours and came back to deliberate at 1 p.m. Wednesday, handing down a verdict at 3 p.m. The jury was selected on Feb. 4, and closing arguments were held on Tuesday. "