Sometimes its a lowly plaintiff, sometimes a big corporation and on ocassion, a city. Here is a completely mixed up report of a city suing its attorneys in legal malpractice. Its in Coatsville.
"Council member Kurt Schenk and president Patsy Ray lashed out at media coverage of Coatesville at Monday night’s meeting.
"In other council action, members approved hiring special counsel in the city’s lawsuit in Federal District Court against Siana, Bellwoar, and McAndrew for legal malpractice and related claims.
Siana, Bellwoar, and McAndrew was hired as special counsel at the city’s reorganization meeting in 2006. At that time, city solicitor Andrew Lehr was hired to replace John Carnes who was fired by council prior to Lehr’s selection.
Siana, Bellwoar, and McAndrew represented the city in labor and land acquisition matters for approximately six months. In addition, the firm specializes in municipal law.
They were terminated in a council action and subsequently, in October 2006,
Siana, Bellwoar, and McAndrew filed suit against the city, four members of council and the city solicitor.
The Chester Springs-based law firm accused the city of legal malpractice, breach of fiduciary duty, malicious prosecution and violations of the rules of professional responsibility by lawyers in the Siana law firm over the course of the firm’s representation in Coatesville.
Those allegations were answered last Friday in a filing by defense counsel Anne Myers, of the Philadelphia law firm of Marks, O’Neill, O’Brien and Courtney.
Monday night, council approved city manager Harry Walker and Lehr obtaining the services of a special counsel in the city’s defense. Council will take action on that selection at their next meeting. Eggleston voted no on the action. Council member Ed Simpson was absent from the meeting.