Legal Malpractice Basics

A slight exaggeration, but in 195 Hawthorne Partners, LLC. v Thompson  2018 NY Slip Op 32804(U)  October 30, 2018  Supreme Court, Kings County  Docket Number: 506136/18
Judge: Leon Ruchelsman there are pages and pages of discussion of a back-and-forth transfer, deeds, mortgages, foreclosures of what must be a valuable property.  The attorneys are third-partied

We’re proud to announce that our “It’s Over, Now What” can be found in today’s NYLJ.

From the article:

“The attorney-client relationship has a limited lifespan. Generally, it is a project-based temporary business relationship, albeit a fiduciary one.

Whether the representation is short or long, transactional or litigation based, it must someday end. It may